Have you devised an innovative technical solution? We will help you patent it. From drafting the application through to strategies to create value from your invention and position it in relation to existing patents, A.P.I Conseil accompanies you on the journey to protect your innovation.
Are you looking to protect your trademark? We will help you make this project a reality. Checking the trademark is available, optimizing its registration in France and/or overseas, protection against counterfeiting… A.P.I. Conseil helps you roll out the right strategy to safeguard and defend your trademark.
Designs and utility models
Are you seeking to protect the fruits of your creativity or the appearance of your product? A.P.I. Conseil hands you the keys. We assist and advise you on how to defend a design or utility model and ensure it has optimal protection.
Do you have a dedicated partner for developing or harnessing your innovations? A.P.I. Conseil supports you in the negotiation process and contract-writing. Are you hoping to sell your innovations or draw regular income from them? A.P.I. Conseil assists you in writing an appropriate, protective contract that fits with your desired partnership.
Our actions
Patents | Trademarks | Designs and Utility Models | Contracts
Pinpoint the project's strengths and weaknesses. Examine its compatibility with the market and competition.
Select suitable development tools. Manage their sequence and continuity over time. Establish, in detail, the inherent implications of the strategy used.
Defend the interests of your project. Safeguard your invention. Write the arsenal of technical paperwork to protect it.
Draft the license or sale contracts. Establish commercial and scientific communication. Advise on technology transfer.
Some figures
+ 14.5%
increase in European patent applications in the biotechnologies domain in 2017 (source: EPO)
+ 4.1%
increase in European patent applications in the information technologies domain in 2017 (source: EPO)
having a patent triples a start-up’s chances of success (Source: “France Brevets” IP investment fund)
+ 4%
increase in European patent applications in 2017 (source: European Patent Office, EPO)
Having a patent triples a start-up's chances of success (Source: 'France Brevets' IP investment fund).
Having a patent triples a start-up's chances of success (Source: 'France Brevets' IP investment fund).